Here is this weekend challenge: Write an essay, a short story or a poem that deals with the following idea
Post it as a comment, and wait for the results. Make sure you proofread it and check it. I will read them and publish those that have content and aesthetics.
"Never Give up"
There is a big BONUS !!
Never give up,
ReplyDeleteThere will always be another way,
That you can take,
Never give up,
Even if you are done,
Or alone,
Never give up,
For any reason,
Wherever you are,
Never give up,
If you lose,
Wake up and make another dream come true,
Never give up,
It’s always better to die with soul,
Than live without it,
Never give up,
Be brave,
But be aware,
Of the danger that will come,
From everywhere,
But even if you are hurt,
Or your way is blocked,
Never give up.
Once upon a time there was a young ibis that got away from mama's cove. He was ready to get his own food and live by himself. He gets his cove and makes it his home. And now he must search just for something to eat. Drinking is not a problem since there is a large river. But he should also be ready to feed its children in the future. The ibis leaves its cove after taking a gulp of water. Now he searches for any easy target. Once he sees a basilisk, the ibis swiftly opens its wings and dashes towards the basilisk, but the ibis was not fast enough. The basilisk just goes to his cave looking for shelter. But the ibis was now hungrier and more dissipate for food. So he locks his eye on a crayfish. The ibis takes a last breath before rushing into the water to eat the crayfish. Once the ibis's feathers get wet while it dives deeper in the river. The crayfish just sneaks and gets deeper and the ibis is about to lose its breath. And gets back to the surface. The ibis crying just lies in the land. He can't stand anymore its miserable life. But suddenly he hears his mother's voice. "Just try again, never give up". And the ibis immediately stands up and rushes to a leaf where a toad is looking for flies. And the ibis opens its mouth and takes the toad to his mouth from the toad’s back. But the ibis is still hungry! He will rush again and take the same basilisk. So the ibis spots the basilisk and opens his mouth to eat the ibis. No single animal can flee from a perseverant ibis.
ReplyDeleteNever give up.
ReplyDeleteBy: Ariel Rausch.
Human beings are capable of doing amazing things. Things we don’t even think possible now, are going to be possible in the future, and we owe this, solely to one thing: PERSISTENCY.
Persistency is the fuel, the fire that makes us fulfill our goals and always look for new ones. Persistency alone was the key for every major discovery, every advance in technology, and every civilization created. Great things that we are making happen every day are done with persistency and we keep surprising ourselves more and more.
But persistency is not ”reserved” for scientists, or doctors, or anybody. It’s in our brains and in our blood, and if you use it and never give up in any goal you set for yourself, you are going to be invincible.
I can say, that I have been completely affected by my own persistency, I dealt with something of my own that I didn’t like, and I worked and changed what was troubling me: my body image and my weight. I have and still am working to improve my self every day eating healthy and exercising and it worked, and now happy with my body and I know, that if someday I’m not, I’ll be able to change that.
Never giving up, can change everything, from saving lives, to getting better at a sport, or school, because with persistency we can achieve ANYTHING.
ReplyDeleteGiving up is making a mistake,
giving up is not trying,
giving up is not wanting to live,
giving up can be risking people that you love,
giving up can make you loose choices,
so never give up, life is good and you live in it,
so live life and NEVER GIVE UP!
Give life a chance,
don't give up yet,
live until you can,
have fun with your life,
make good choices,
keep trying,
don't let time pass by,
try not making mistakes,
but if you do, stand up,
don't be scared,
ive life,
Never give up
ReplyDelete“Never give up” is such a small phrase composed only of three short words, but the importance that this phrase has is extremely huge. It has made a difference in people’s life, in the world as it is today, in everyday life and it has left a mark in probably everyone’s heart. Perhaps everyone has come to a point in their lives were they feel like giving up before they achieve what they were willing so much to fulfill, others just give up when an idea pops up in their head and don’t give a chance to themselves to proof themselves capable of doing something. Never giving up is the evidence that you can make something possible even if the process isn’t easy.
What if people all around the world gave up and never complete what they once started? What if people in the past gave up and left unfinished what now-a-days are important discoveries? If people would have given up we wouldn’t be where we’re at right now, with all this technological discoveries and inventions. If Nikola Tesla gave up in the process of creating the electricity we use today, then what would the world be like? What if George Eastman gave up while inventing Film?
Some people are luckier than others, are more likely to achieve in life for different reasons, but those who have perseverance will get much further than those who don’t. That’s the case of Chris Gardner, the guy from The Pursuit of Happiness, which is based in a true story. He went from not having anything and to a point in life where almost anyone is likely to give up to being a millionaire; he simply kept going, had determination and never gave up.
By never giving up you can make a difference in many people lives; you can be an inspiration for those who love you and look up to you. Even if you don’t succeed, by not giving up you’re already succeeding at something, you would fail if you would’ve quitted during the journey. People will always be there to support you, while others might be trying to bring you down, that’s what makes the challenge more exciting and worth trying. “Never give up” to reach happiness in your life, because everyone deserves to be happy-
It’s important to believe in yourself and think you’re capable of doing something. Look back at everyone who did not give up and have left a big mark, a milestone, in the world, because someday you can leave it as well. Always keep this in mind: "When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."
What is never giving up? Never giving up is accepting that the only way you can admit defeat is due to death, because as long you live you have the right to keep trying even if it seems impossible.
ReplyDeleteIt Is accepting that the first time you try something you may make mistakes, because nobody is perfect. It is taking all the risks that an action can bring, its better to die trying to do something than dying without even trying it.
Never giving up is never letting other people tell you: ''You cannot do it''. To never give up is being the inspiration to other people that would give up. Never giving up is knowing that if other people did it before, you can do it too. Is telling yourself ''I know I will not give up and die''
At the end, never giving up is not accepting defeat even in the worst situations, there is always a way. Just keep questioning yourself ''Is there a reason for giving up other than death''?.
ReplyDeleteGiving up has been through history so easy for people, our minds are prepared for the most easy solution, to throw the thing that you have done away affirming you can’t, but you do; our minds are convinced that we are incapable of finishing thing that are in half of the road and we end up giving up.
The big examples are wars, when countries are done and think that there’s nothing else to do and leave the world in a certain chaos, but hey, there is a way to get it through and fight for things; it’s just in terms of using our brains and think about other ways to accomplish things.
What about adding the Never word at the beginning of that short but full of meaning phrase, ‘Hmmm’ NEVER GIVE UP, know you can challenge your own mind and think about finishing things so in that way you can show others how this strategy can help you to be invincible.
Valeria LondoƱo
Hello my name is July and I want to tell you a story about me.
ReplyDeleteLast summer there was a swimming competition. I love to swim and I am very good at swimming but I have a little problem, my father. He is always telling me that he doesn’t want me swimming, that swimming is for fishes, that swimming is harmful, but I have to understand him. His brother when he was a little kid died because he drowned in a pool. But even because of that I still want to be in the competition, I’m not going to drown, I know how to swim, but my father doesn’t understand that.
I told my mother to help me convince him but she told me that she is not going to mess with his past that I could pick something else to do like skating but I don’t want to skate, I want to swim and I am not going to give up.
Few days later in my school they picked me to be in the competition and they gave me a paper that my mother or my father had to sign. I convinced my mother to sign it without my father knowing at least to practice.
Every day I mentioned the topic in diner so that my father would hear me, I said the much I like to swim and that that competition was my dream so that he could let me go. I pushed him so much that he finally gave me the permission to go, and all of the effort was worth it because I won the contest.
The point of this entire story is that you should never give up; hope is the last thing you lose.
Don't let go,
ReplyDeleteThere is more than one chance,
Don't let go,
If at first you don't succeed try and try again,
Don't let go,
Preserving is a key idea,
Don't let go,
Stand up again
Keep going on,
Your dreams are closer than you think
Keep going on,
Your not done,
Keep going on,
One of the best succeed comes after one great disappointment,
Never give up on hope,
Never give up on love,
Never give up on faith,
Never give up Its such a wonderful life,
Don't let go,
Keep going on,
Never give up,
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
Winston Churchill
i will die.
ReplyDeleteI'm giving
I can no more.
there is something behind,
behind the darkness.
fall as I say,
please leave me
let me be free.
what are you saying,
that you gave?
did not respond,
but I said,
leave me alone.
that thing behind the dark I said I'll have another chance, I will not surrender.
I will not give
I love you when spring offered me my own garden, when summer burned my face, when leaves become yellowish in autumn. Sounds special, beautiful, doesn’t? Truth is I’m waiting. For a smile, for a simple thought. Memories don’t play a role over here. Past is gone, and it would always be like this.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a baby, hearing “Never give up” was as common as thinking “I miss you” right now. “Don’t stop to crawl, I’m sure you will start walking right soon, just, don’t give up!” But now was totally different. People love, people die. But the world continues going round and around.
People give up on something they think they don’t need. Truth is I need you. People give up on something they can live without. Truth is I miss you. People give up on something they don’t care. Truth is I love you.
But… Why do you need someone who doesn’t need you? Why can’t you live without someone that doesn’t feel you? Ironic.
And here I am. I haven’t given up. Giving up doesn’t mean to remember, but to don’t forget. Giving up doesn’t mean to love, but to care.
Don’t give up on something you think all day long, don’t give up on someone who understands your thoughts. Don’t give up on someone who teaches you to live, but mostly, don’t give up on someone you love…
Never give up means keep trying and continue working to achieve your goals. You should never give up, you have to be perseverant, what means keep trying until the end to achieve your goals giving 100% of your effort. Perseverance is what helps you to make your purpose come true and it can make you feel proud of yourself. It's good to never give up, but we have to be prepared because the things that we want will not always be the way you want or you expect. You have to see that if you want to achieve your goals you don't have to hurt anybody or cheat. You try and you fail, you try and you fail again, but the only fail is when you stop trying, so never stop trying. Try to make your dreams and hopes come true and that will make you feel better. If it makes you happy, do it.
ReplyDelete''Never five up always believe. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day''
Today I started to remember every detail of you,
ReplyDeleteEvery unforgettable moment of happiness we shared together,
Tears fell from my eyes and I ask myself,
how is it possible that the love I felt for you was not enough
for you to realized that it was true.
Time has passed but I have not stopped loving you
when I look into your eyes, I looked for that love
that many times made me trust you.
I feel like a fool to have once believed you,
Leave me disappointed; tell me, what do I do with these memories?
My soul is drawn; I need to shout that I love you
I cannot forget…always remember that I will be waiting for you
Things did not come as expected but I’ll never give up.
I look forward to hug you, to hear your voice.
Patiently I’ll wait for the day when you and I well be whispering next
to each other… a simple “I LOVE YOU “.
How have you hurt me…
My eyes, my face fills out with tears
Cannot forgive what you did
But…I will always be a part of you; I’ll be here at all times
When you need me
I will not give up to get that love that was mine.
I have the desire to find you, not to look for you
to see you and not run away…
to know that is you and not let you go.
These dreams are not far away,
the wind is a sigh, and my hope like the wind.
Always remember that I will not give up!
Never give up,
ReplyDeleteThat’s not trying and don’t try the best of you and what you can do,
Never say I can’t,
Because is like saying I give up and I don’t give my best,
Never say no, because you can do it,
In our lives all give up easy and say I can’t,
But if you persist and never give up all is possible,
That’s why we need to don’t give up and try to do the best of our self and try to be the best,
Because if you don’t try, you’ll never can know if you can do it or not, that’s why you have to take
risks and never give up to see if you can do it, because if you don’t try you’ll never know if it’s
possible or not, that’s why you have to never give up.