Moby Dick drowns and The Lord of the Flies rises for 9th grade

All right, so I heard your clamor  ........Moby Dick drowned and is now in the bottom of the ocean......instead, we are reading "The Lord of the Flies"

If you have already gotten Moby Dick and you want to continue with it, it is all right with me. No problem.

I am going to provide a link for the "the lord...." e-book. in case you can get the book as such, far better, else enjoy e-reading.
 This book is an obliged one for bright and intelligent youngsters like you guys.It is a good idea to follow the spark notes study guide and questions, you may even consult the chapters review, but do not deprive yourselves of the pleasure of the direct contact with the book and what it has got to unveil those moments of insight that are only yours.
When we finish, I will  ask y ou guys to write about what you learned, discover or in other words was revealed to you. Later on, near or at closure I will give you the topic of your essay
For those of you reading Moby Dick, the same applies.
Any questions? Email or bbm me

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